Issue #1 - Term 3, 2021
Dear Families,
What a challenging start to the new term it has been! We got through it, and well done to everyone for the way in which you handled the difficult situation.
I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the SFX staff for going above and beyond during the lockdown. We are essential workers and are here for your children, but it has been challenging for all of us, particularly being surrounded by exposure sites! To those families that sent emails thanking us and acknowledging what we do.. your kind words are very much appreciated. This is not an easy situation for anyone, and let's hope it is now behind us.
Despite the encouraging signs, we must remain vigilant, with families unable to enter the school grounds until further notice. In line with this, after school sport trainings are also cancelled for the timebeing. It may be that offsite competitions recommence next week, and we will keep you informed around this. With regard to events, excursions and camps, we will be guided by SA Health and CESA.
We have 470 students and 50 staff on site, and my job is to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all in our school. We have a strong sense of community at SFX, and the recent Quiz Night was a perfect example of that. Personally, I cannot wait until we are all vaccinated and school life can carry on as normal.
A reminder that if you do need to meet with a teacher, please email them directly or oraganise a phone link up.
I would like to acknowledge our Year 6 leaders who have been assisting the younger students to their classrooms. These children have given up their time to ensure your child is cared for and enters the classroom with a positive mindset.
Have a great weekend, and I will provide you with an update later next week regarding restrictions relating to the school. Thank you for your ongoing support.

We would like to warmly welcome our 2 new Reception classes to the SFX community. It is wonderful to see so many new students enjoying the school and commencing their journey with us. We would also like to welcome new student, Samson in Year 2.
Today, Jack and Mr Mittiga enjoyed introducing PE to the new Receptions!
Our school chickens have been named by the children, and I am pleased to announce the 10 wonderful and creative names:
Rosie, Daisy, Milly, Clucky McLucky, Louise, Harriet, Harmony, Joanne, Coco and Lucy.
This term (date to be advised) we will commence 'Health Hustles' outside the Reception classes on Friday mornings. The 'Hustles' will be led by our school leaders, and it would be great to see lots of children getting involved.
Important Dates
The school calendar forms part of our Parent Handbook which is located on the school website.
All dates are current, but as you would understand, some events may be postponed/cancelled due to current restrictions. At this stage we will not be having Assemblies, Masses etc on site.
Please check the Handbook for what's happening in Term 3, and remember to refer to it regularly for calendar updates/additions.