Issue #1 - Term 3, 2022
Welcome back to Term 3! I hope you all had a good break and are ready for an exciting term ahead.
On behalf of everyone at SFX, we would like to warmly welcome all children who have started at our school this term. This includes our Reception students, commencing school for the very first time, as well as new students in other year levels. We are excited to have you join this wonderful community.
We would also like to welcome our new Reception teacher, Stephanie Breumelhof, as well as staff who have been on leave: Catherine Turbill, Gail Macnamara and Elisa Chillingworth.
Please look out for a weekly email from your child's year level outlining the week ahead. If you are not receiving this, please contact your child's class teacher.
All families would have received my email this week with the letter from Dr Neil McGoran and Professor Nicola Spurrier. With COVID still prevalent in our society, a reminder to please remain vigilant if your child is showing symptoms or if they are a close contact.
Please enjoy this edition of our eNews and all the best for the term ahead!
To encourage independence and organisation, we will be having a school-wide ‘Independence Day’ each Thursday in Term 3, commencing in Week 3.
An Independence Day is a day where children come into the classroom on their own and manage their own morning routine.
An “Independence Day” looks like this:
What: Children bring themselves into the school and are responsible for their own belongings - drink bottles, library books, notes, etc.
On this day parents either drop their child at the kiss and drop or school gate, and children enter the classroom on their own. In effect, it is a “Parent/Caregiver Free” day.
Why: To increase children's independence in classroom routines to help develop self-responsibility, confidence, risk taking, organisational skills and initiative within a safe and supportive environment.
For our new Term 3 Receptions, Independence Day will commence in Week 6.
We thank you for your ongoing support.
Schools are required to collect the daily attendance of all enrolled students. Recently the Education Department has changed its guidelines regarding the term ‘Chronic Absenteeism’. These new guidelines state that any student with ten unexplained absences from school in a term must be reported to the them.
Therefore, we are reminding all families to contact the school if your child is absent on any given day for things such as illness (including COVID), appointments and family matters. After completing daily class rolls, the school will also attempt to contact all families with unexplained absences via text message.
If your family is going away on holiday during the school term, please contact the office and your child’s class teacher(s) to ensure that we have accurately recorded this absence. For holidays of a period of more than two weeks, parents will need to contact the school and complete the Education Department Form C – ED175 (Principal Approved Application for Exemption from School – Enrolment Attendance and Education Enrolment Participation).
How can you contact the school if your child is absent?
- Phone – 8251 9500 and select option one – Student Absentee Line
- Text - 0407 641 153
- Email – or your child’s class teacher for planned absences in advance
- App – St Francis Xaviers School App – Absentee Form
Please also note that the school gates close at 9:00am each morning. Students arriving after this time need to enter the school through the front office and will be marked as late on the roll. If possible, informing the front office of a late arrival due to appointments or other delays is greatly appreciated.
We will be clamping down on our school uniform, and those wearing incorrect items will receive a notice to take home. As you are aware, commencing next year, all students in all year levels are expected to be in our "new uniform".
Just some reminders:
Headbands/Ties/Ribbons: Accessories are to be minimal, and navy or white ONLY (no Jo-Jo style bows). Please note children are currently wearing other colours such as pink, green, black etc, which are not permitted.
Hair: Hairstyle is also a part of the school uniform. Shoulder length hair or longer is to be tied back and away from the face. Any change to hair colour should be in natural toning only. Highlights are permitted but should not be excessive. Hairstyles are to be moderate and not extreme – no lines or patterns cut into the hair.
Sneakers: Are to be predominately white, with white laces only. For those still wearing the "old uniform", white socks can be worn. For those wearing the "new uniform", SFX socks are to be worn.
Jewellery: The only jewellery permitted to be worn - Wristwatch, Earrings: sleepers or studs and gold or silver in colour. One chain with religious symbol, to be worn under clothing.
No makeup or coloured nail polish.

Our Quiz Night (proudly sponsored by Smith Partners Real Estate and Smith Partners Financial Solutions) is fast approaching on Friday, 26th August at 7:00pm.
At the time of writing, we have already sold 11 tables! It would be great to have as many families as possible join us at this wonderful community event. So, book the babysitters and make a night of it - it will be a fun time! Bookings are via Qkr! Tables of 10, or individual tickets can be purchased.
We are also seeking donations for prizes, so if you or your business would like to contribute to the evening, please drop your items, voucher etc to the Front Office. Should you know of a business that may be interested in donating, please let them know. Businesses donating will be promoted on the night. If all donations could be dropped off by 19th August, it would be very much appreciated.
We are pleased to inform our school families that there will be no increase in school fees for the 2023 school year.
As South Australian's continue to feel the impact of COVID-19, Catholic Education SA has announced it will freeze fees at its 86 Diocesan schools for the 2023 school year.
“These decisions are part of our continued COVID 19 response as we seek to support families at a time when they are being impacted by rising costs and inflation,” says Dr Neil McGoran, Director, Catholic Education SA.
Since 2019, Catholic Education SA has been implementing the Making Catholic Education More Affordable Initiative to ensure our schools are accessible to any family who wants their child to have a Catholic education.
Dr Neil McGoran said the fee-freeze would not impact the quality of education. “We’re committed to keeping school fees as low as possible and ensuring a Catholic education is affordable and accessible to all.”
In addition to the fee-freeze, further fee remissions are available to any family who is struggling to pay school fees due to financial pressures. Families should contact our Business Manager, Enza Messina for more information.
Our staff have been building their knowledge in developing ‘Learning Intentions’ and ‘Success Criteria’ in their classrooms.
Learning Intentions are conversations we have with our students about big ideas or learning expectations, which answer the question “Why are we learning this?” It is a statement of what students are learning and why, not what they are doing. It is also a way for teachers to ponder whether and why something is worth learning and make that clear to students.
Success Criteria is an accurate picture of the essential learning that will be assessed. In creating visible success criteria, students understand, in detail, how to be successful. Experiencing scaffolded instruction that supports attainment of success criteria moves students from being engaged to being empowered. We want our students to understand what success looks like and have the ability to articulate how they are doing and how they can improve.
Para Hills/Modbury Catholic Parish Sacramental Program 2022 to 2023
It is now time to enrol your child into the Sacramental Program for this year. If your child is in Year 3 or above this year, 2022, then they can be enrolled in the program. Two information sessions are being held to provide details about the Sacramental Program within the Para Hills/Modbury Parish.
- Sunday, 14th August, 2022 after 10:00am Mass at Holy Trinity Church, Para Hills
- Wednesday, 17th August, 2022 at 7:00pm at St John XXIII Church, Hope Valley
SFX Family Mass
All community members are invited to attend our Family Mass on Sunday, 14th August at 10:00am. The Mass will be held at Holy Trinity Catholic Church (3 James Street, Para Hills).
If your child or family are interested in reading at the Mass, please email Rosanna Samarzia. It was lovely to have families read together at our last Family Mass.
At SFX we are incredibly proud of our compassionate community and the sense of care and kindness that families show each other in times of need. Xavier Cares is one initiative that we have in place to increase and act upon our sense of community and care for each other.
Xavier Cares is a small group of community members who support families in times of crises and need, eg sickness, hospitalisation, birth, death, etc. The assistance that the group provides may include things such as cooking a meal or helping with a student's transport to and from school, and we are currently looking for additional volunteers. Due to the highly sensitive and confidential nature of this group, you will work closely with our APRIM who is the conduit between the familly and Xavier Cares members.
If you would like to join this supportive group, or require further information, please email Rosanna.
To best support our families and build upon the connection between school and home, we suggest that families take the time to access information regarding Mindfulness.
Families will learn about Mindfulness as well as gain some insight into devices, online safety and the use of family tech agreements from the eSafety Commissioner.
A friendly reminder that families have access to the Parent Hub, which is designed to support your children with the concepts of Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness at home.
We are thrilled that our upcoming Reading Workshop (2nd August) is fully booked. It is fantastic to see so many parents interested and wanting to learn more about how children read. We all know the importance of reading, and to have a consistent approach when reading with your child at home is a huge support to your child and the teachers. #collaboration
Important Dates
Family Mass, Holy Trinity
Book Week Parade and Dress-up
SFX Quiz Night
Father's Day Stall
Grandparents & Special Friends Day
School Discos
Pupil Free Day
Last day of Term 3 & Intercultural Day
2022 Calendar & Parent Handbook
A reminder to all families to please continuously check our 2022 Calendar & Parent Handbook for upcoming events. Please remember to refresh the page to ensure you are viewing the latest version.