Issue #1 - Term 4, 2021
Dear Families,
I hope you all enjoyed the holiday break, and welcome back to Term 4! We have had two new families start this term, and I would like to warmly welcome Nooreet, Gursehar and Gabi to our wonderful SFX community.
Please see some important notes below, and I would also urge you to please read the "TERM 4 & COVID-19" article for information on family attendance at events throughout our last term of 2021!
Have a wonderful weekend.
UNIFORM - I know it is hard to believe, but Summer and the warmer weather is nearly upon us. A reminder that bucket or legionnaire hats (not beanies) need to be worn as from next week, and the rule ‘No hat, No play' will apply.
Some other uniform reminders:
Jewellery: The only jewellery to be worn is wristwatches, sleepers or stud earrings (gold or silver in colour), and one chain with a religious symbol may also be worn under clothing.
Make-up: No make-up. No coloured nail polish.
Hair: Hairstyle is also a part of the school uniform: Shoulder length hair or longer is to be tied back and away from the face. Accessories are to be minimal, and navy or white only in colour (no Jo-Jo style bows). Any change to hair colour should be in natural toning only. Highlights are permitted but should not be excessive. Hairstyles are to be moderate and not extreme – no lines or patterns cut into the hair.
Sneakers and Socks: Sneakers are to be predominantly white with white laces only. SFX school socks must be worn with the "new" uniform, and students in the "old" uniform may wear either SFX socks or plain white socks.
Uniform slips will be sent out if children do not adhere to our policy, and we thank you for your cooperation.
COLOUR EXPLOSION FUN RUN: The Colour Explosion Fun Run fundraising is well underway, with over $12,000 being raised so far (a percentage of the fundraising goes back to the Colour Run company). The children are certainly enjoying the fundraising, with nearly 1/4 of the school already registered! All money raised is going towards building a new playground.
We really appreciate your support with our first ever Colour Explosion Fun Run, and if you haven't already, register your child today!
INDEPENDENCE DAY: This term, Independence Day is on Thursdays. We thank you for your support, and remind families that we will have school leaders at the gate for those children who need assistance with going to their classrooms.
FAMILY MASS: Just a reminder that we have a Family Mass at St John XXIII on Saturday, 23rd October at 6pm. Further details are available from our APRIM, Rosanna.
CITY TO BAY FUN RUN: We are disappointed to announce that the City to Bay Fun Run has been cancelled. On a positive note, it gives those wanting to participate more time to train in readiness for next year!!
SCHOOL PHOTOS: A reminder that school photos are scheduled for next Wednesday, 20th October.
TOYS, TRADING CARDS AND PERSONAL ITEMS: Just a reminder that we encourage children to not bring in toys, trading cards and personal items to school. Children can become quite distressed if these items are misplaced. Thank you for your understanding.
I would like to thank everybody for supporting us during the COVID-19 restrictions. You have all been amazing in minimising movement within the school grounds, and we thank you for your compliance.
The following will apply for school events this term, and please remember to wear a mask and QR code in every time you enter the school grounds. Please note that children under 12 are welcome to attend events and do not count toward the ratios given for attendance below. Please note that this information is correct at the time of the Newsletter's release, and is subject to change.
PCC and School Board Meetings: Back on site.
Masses, Liturgies, Assemblies: The hosting class can have 2 family members attend.
Music Cabaret: As there is only a select group of children performing, 4 family members may attend.
Sports Day: 2 family members may attend Sports Day on Thursday, 28th October. No family members will be permitted to enter the Hall. You must QR code in and wear a mask.
Twilight Christmas Concert: Thursday, 25th November - numbers TBA.
Graduation Mass: Tuesday, 7th December - numbers TBA.
Due to popular demand, we are again running this very popular raffle!
Tickets will be sold by our Year 6 Leaders each morning in Week 3 (week commencing 25th October) at the Carignane Street and Park Lake Drive gates. Tickets will be 5 for $2, and all funds raised will go toward the new Playground. Children will go into the draw of their choice to be:
- Principal for the day (inc pizza lunch)
- Deputy Principal for the day (inc pizza lunch)
- Groundsperson for the day (inc pizza lunch)
Need help with school fees? Should you be struggling with the payment of school fees, we have a number of ways to work with you.
Please talk to Jason, our school Principal, if you are having difficulty with fees. We believe a family’s financial circumstances should not be a barrier to a student accessing a Catholic education.
Withdrawal of a student - A reminder to families that one full term’s notice of your intention to withdraw a student from the school is required in writing, to the Principal. Where this is not adhered to, the school reserves the right to charge a full term’s school fees.