Issue #3 - Term 1, 2021
I would like to start off by saying how satisfying it has been for me as Principal to be leading SFX throughout this term. Seeing parents in and around the school has been fantastic and something we missed last year. Parents make a community, and I would like to thank you all for your support of this wonderful school.
This term we have had a number of school camps, and it was wonderful to see the Year 3 and 4 children going on camp for the first time. Camp is an excellent experience for the children and one which we value at SFX.
Our Year 6 students have also had their 3-day camp, and some of us even managed to get up on the surfboard (even if it was only for a few seconds)!! The Year 5 camp will occur later in the year.
The Project Compassion Staff v Student run was huge success, and despite tough competition from our Year 6 children, the teachers came through with the win! I would like to thank everyone for their participation, but in particular, the teachers who put themselves out there to make this a fun day for our students.
Project Compassion is all about giving to those in need, and I am proud to say we raised $1,795.15. Next year we will add a parent group into the relay to make it even more interesting!!
Last week we also celebrated Holy week with a Palm Sunday Liturgy, Stations of the Cross and Last Supper Liturgies. The children were reverent during these times and understood the significance of these events.
THANK YOU! I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank Michelle Thomas who assumed the role of Acting Deputy Principal for Term 1. With the substantive appointment of our new Deputy Principal, Greg Esposito, Michelle will return to her APRIM position in Term 2. Thank you again Michelle for your support.

- Quiz Night: Friday, 18th June
- Grandparents/Special Friends Day: Friday, 3rd September
Our Quiz Night is being held on Friday, 18th June at 7pm in Xavier Hall. Tickets go on sale early next term, so book the babysitters and get ready for a fun night of laughs and entertainment SFX style!
I hope to see you all there .... the teachers are excited about trying to retain their winning streak!

This term, our Year 1 and Year 2 classes have been working with STEM Specialist, Mr Mark Roberts.
On Friday, 26th March a STEM Showcase was held in Xavier Hall, and this gave these students the opportunity to exhibit their STEM learning to the rest of our school community.
Each class presented their STEM models and the Engineering Design Process used to design and create them.
It was great to see so many parents sharing in their child’s learning. Thank you to all staff and students involved for putting on such a great Showcase!
Next term we have the Year 3 and 4 Students preparing for their showcase. We will keep you informed as the times draws closer.
TERM 3 INTAKE ... For the first time at SFX we will have 2 new classes commencing in Term 3. As we have opened up a second class, we now have limited positions available. If you know of anybody who has yet to enrol, please ask that they contact Sonya on 8251 9555 for further information.
And ... for children commencing Reception in Term 3, 2021, there will be no school fees charged for Terms 3 or 4 this year!!
2022 and 2023 ... We are pleased to advise that we have been inundated with applications for both 2022 and 2023. If you have a child commencing in the 2022 or 2023 intake, please ensure that you have lodged your Application Form. Enrolment interviews for these intakes will continue throughout Term 2, but please get your applications in fast!
We are continuing to experience issues with our car parks in the following areas, and would appreciate your cooperation as follows:
- Please ensure that you DRIVE DOWN TO THE LAST AVAILABLE BAY if utilising the Kiss & Drop area (ie please do not stop in the car park closest to the gate or in a car park with shade).
- If utilising the Kiss & Drop bays, please DO NOT LEAVE THE CAR to go and collect your child/ren from the gate or their classroom. If your intention is to leave the car to collect a student, please park in the long term parks in the centre area.
- This car park IS NOT A KISS & DROP ZONE, so please do not stop on the driveway to let your children out. Should you wish to utilise the Kiss & Drop facility, this is in the Park Lake Drive car park.
- Please DO NOT PARK IN THE DISABLED PARK unless you have the required permit on display.
Please ensure that this information is also passed on to other family members who may be picking up your child/ren. Thank you.
We would like to thank the families and staff that came along to the Annual General Meeting on Tuesday, 16th March.
Reports on the 2020 academic year were shared, and a copy of the AGM Booklet is available from the Front Office.
It was wonderful to hear from our Architect - Nathan from Swanbury Penglase about the school's Master Plan, but in particular, the new Year 1 and Year 2 learning space that is currently under construction.
Again thanks to those families who came along, we sincerly value working in partnership with you and making SFX the best place it can be for your family.
Our new Year 1 and Year 2 building is progressing fast, and the frames should be up by the time we come back to school in Term 2. We aim to take occupancy of the building some time in Term 4 which is very exciting. Stay tuned for more details and progress pictures!
In Week 6, the Year 3 and Year 4 cohorts ventured to Narnu Farm on Hindmarsh Island for their first camp experience at SFX.
The camps are a tremendous way to build resilience, persistence, independence and teamwork as our students grow into more self-managed people.
Each group stayed for one night and 2 days of action-packed activities based around life on a farm and what it would have been like to be on a farm back in colonial times.
In Week 6, the Year 3 and Year 4 cohorts ventured to Narnu Farm on Hindmarsh Island for their first camp experience at SFX.
The camps are a tremendous way to build resilience, persistence, independence and teamwork as our students grow into more self-managed people.
Each group stayed for one night and 2 days of action-packed activities based around life on a farm and what it would have been like to be on a farm back in colonial times.
Students were introduced to blacksmithing, feeding animals, ploughing, horse riding, making butter, tennis, table tennis, orienteering and the exciting night games of 'Finding Clucko' and 'Finding Superman'.
Some quotes from our campers ....
“At first horse riding was a bit scary but once I gave it a go, it was fantastic and felt great.”
Emilia B, Room 19
“Horse riding was amazing, and the night activities were exciting.”
Max S, Room 17
“Fun, exciting and brilliant. I felt like I was at home when I slept.”
Ryan B, Room 18
“The guinea pigs were cute and fluffy.”
Chloe O, Room 20
“I liked that the horses were nice and calm, and we were able to pat and ride them.”
Jade G, Room 21
“People put chickens on our heads, and they were fluffy.”
Hunter J, Room 16
“Mr Mittiga’s tennis skills were not as good as Mr Stagg’s.”
Damien S, Room 17
The students and teachers would like to give a special thanks to ESO's Cathy, Rita, Giulia and Marian for coming along to help out, and also to Mr Mittiga and Mrs Thomas for their assistance.

Our Year 6 students had a fabulous time at their camp in Victor Harbor. Here's just a few quotes from the children about their experience .....
Our Year 6 students had a fabulous time at their camp in Victor Harbor. Here's just a few quotes from the children about their experience .....
"I loved camp. It was a great experience. I loved doing all the games with my mates, and my favourite was surfing." Josh L
"The beds were very comfortable and the food was like a restaurant." Declan
"I loved getting along with all the students and the teachers." Brodie
"I LOVED the food!! (It was quality)." Liam L
"The food felt like Gordon Ramsay cooked it." Charlie
"The surfing was great and sleeping in dorms with your friend is great." Neeve
"I enjoyed cam because it was a new experience. I enjoyed camp because we got to surf. I enjoyed camp in general." Eve S
"It was a great outdoor experience." Connor
"Even if you're stranded at a cafe in the middle of nowhere, you can still have fun (no matter what)." Olivia
"I never should have gone on the big bus." Riley M
A special shout-out goes to Wistow Bakery who did an amazing job looking after the group who were on "that" bus!! Thank you so much!

Important Dates
