Term 1, Issue 1

Dear Families,
Welcome back to the 2024 school year. I trust you had a wonderful holiday break and had time to spend with family and friends. Welcome to all our new families to the school, we hope you enjoy your time at SFX.
Below are some key points you need to be aware of for the new school year.
Today you would have received a Term Calendar for Term 1. Below are key dates for the term and for the remainder of the school year. I hope this helps with your planning. Our aim is to keep you informed of what is happening in and around the school. Staff will also send weekly updates of what is happening in class and a Weekly Facebook post will be sent each Friday for the week ahead.
Monday, 29 April
Friday, 7 June
Monday, 22 July
Friday, 6 September
Wednesday, 11 December: Last day of 2024 school year
Tuesday, 6 February: 5:00pm Parent Information Night followed by BBQ
Thursday, 8 February: Beginning of Year School Mass
Tuesday, 13 February: Shrove Tuesday
Wednesday, 14 February: Ash Wednesday Liturgy
Monday, 11 March: Adelaide Cup holiday
Tuesday, 12 March: AGM
Wednesday, 13 March: NAPLAN commences
Friday, 15 March: Sports Day
Thursday, 28 March: Holy Thursday
Friday, 29 March: Good Friday
Monday, 1 April: Easter Monday
Tuesday, 2 April: Parent interviews commence
Thursday, 4 April: Easter Mass
Friday, 12 April: Last day of term
KEY DATES FOR THE YEAR- TERMS 2 - 4 (all dates subject to change)
Friday, 10 May: Mother’s Day / significant person Liturgy and Breakfast
Friday, 28 June Pyjackie/ Vinnies Day
Tuesday, 25 July: Young Performers
Tuesday 2, Wednesday 3 July: Year 6 Production
Thursday, 8 August Mary Mackillop Feast Day
Friday, 23 August: Book Week Parade
Friday, 30 August: Father’s Day/ significant person Liturgy and Breakfast
Thursday, 5 September: School Disco
Friday, 13 September: Grandparents Day
Tuesday, 17 September: Music Cabaret
Friday, 29 November: St Francis Feast Day and Colour Run
Wednesday, 4 December: End of Year Mass
Tuesday, 10 December: Year 6 Graduation and Dinner
Wednesday, 11 December: Last day of school year
A term Calander will be sent out Friday with all the key Term 1 dates.
I would like to welcome our new staff to SFX.
Londyn Foreman
Jasmine Magnus
Mel Moss
Donna Schluter
Stephanie Maeillo
Daniel Argiro
Emily McGlone
Deb Pickering
Emily Pearson
Lauren Johnson
Jay O’Leary
This year we will be re- introducing the Parent Information Night on Tuesday 6th February 5:00-6:15 followed by a BBQ. There will be 2 sessions repeated so all parents can attend different year-level ones if you have multiple children.
The first session will start at 5:00- 5:30 pm and the second session will be at 5:40-6:10pm. Please stay behind for a BBQ and meet other parents. Teachers will communicate this through their weekly emails to you.
The office car park has been painted with reserved signs in bright green for Administration and Leadership. Can you please not park in these parks when dropping the children off at OHSC. Thank you for adhering to this.
This year we are introducing a policy on the use of smart watches and mobile phones at school. If your child has a mobile phone, they are to be turned off and handed into to the classroom teacher at the start of the day and stored in a locker. Students collect them at end of the day. If your child has a smart watch and they put on school mode and disable it from communication, the watch can be worn. If your child does not disable communication, the watch is to be handed in to the teacher the same as a mobile phone. Please click on link for the policy.
All families must complete the Acceptable User policy by the end of week 2 and return the form to your teacher. This policy will be handed out during Week 1.
The school AGM will be on Tuesday 12th March. At this meeting we will be launching our school values and Grievance Policy. Please lock this date into your Calander.
Jason Mittiga
Principal SFX