Term 1 Issue 2
Dear Families
It is hard to believe we are in the last week of term. It has been a rewarding term for the children, and we are so proud of them. Holy Week was a true indication of what we stand for as a school and how we come together to celebrate significant events.
We commenced Holy Week with Palm Sunday and had 2 donkeys and rabbits for the children to engage with. It was a fantastic way to set the scene for Holy Week. We continued with the Last Supper, Stations of the Cross and the Easter Mass. I would like to thank Mrs Samarzia, Fr Kym and the staff and children for making this a reverent event in such a significant time in the Catholic Liturgical year.
Thank you to everybody for making Sports Day such a wonderful event. The children had an absolute ball, and it was a perfect day. A big thank you to Mr Hughes and the Sports Day Committee for putting on a great day for the children, full of great sporting events. Thank you also to The Parents and Friends for cooking the BBQ and Sarah Gribovskis from Bailey Property for selling coffees and donating all proceeds to the school.
Rosanna Samarzia is taking three weeks Long Service Leave and Ashlee McCarthy will take up the role as Acting APRIM in Rosanna’s absence. We wish Rosanna all the best on her well-deserved break and Ashlee well as she takes on this leadership position.
We seem to be experiencing more children each day arriving to school late. There are three main issues that I see when children are late each day. Firstly, is the total amount of learning that they miss out on each year. Secondly, poor punctuality habits that the children are learning can also impact on their adult working life. The third and possibly more concerning, is that they miss the important instructions and preparation time that happens at the beginning of each day. Literacy blocks occur each morning, and all children are to be present from the start of the lesson.
As a parent, it is your responsibility to ensure your child attends school regularly and is on time each day. Our school gates open at 8:30am and we commence school at 8:50am so this provides you with ample time to get organised in the morning. Making lunches and having your school uniform ready the night before is good practice and will assist you with a more fluent morning the next day.
We will be monitoring lateness and absenteeism more next term and contacting parents to arrange meetings to assist with getting your child to school and on time. We care for your children and want them to be successful, happy and engaged at school.
I am writing to remind you of protocols around social media. We are fortunate to have assemblies, liturgies, masses, community prayer and other community events and these are wonderful occasions for parents to attend.
I would like to remind you of your obligations in posting images on social media from these events. If you take a picture of your child and your child only you can post wherever you feel the need.
If you take a photo of other children with your child, we ask you to refrain from posting these images on Social Media. A parent of another child may not want their child on social media without their consent. If you have consent from the parents, you may proceed if you feel you need to share this with others.
Thank you for your understanding on this matter.
Term 2 promises to be another busy term and we would not have it any other way. Please refer to the link for access to the Term 2 calendar. You can also find below a summary of key dates. I hope this helps for your planning. Just a reminder that this is a rolling calendar and is subject to change. The Calendar and Parent Handbook is also easily accessible on our website.
Calendar and Parent Handbook Term 2 Calendar 2024
29/4 Pupil Free Day
30/4 First day of Term 2
6/5 -8/5 Year 5 Camp
9/5 Mother’s Day Stall
10/5 Mother's Day celebration from 8:30 am (Liturgy 9:15) and SAPSASA Cross Country
14/5 Principal Tour
16/5 Year 1 Liturgy 2:15pm
18/5 Confirmation and First Holy Communion TTG 2:00pm
20/5 Year 5 Assembly 2:15pm
21/5 School Board
23/5 SAPSASA Soccer Carnival
6/6 Year 2 Liturgy 2:15pm
7/6 Pupil Free Day
10/6 King’s Birthday
11/6 Term 3 Reception Parent Information Meeting
14/6 SAPSASA Boys Football Carnival
17/6 Year 3 Assembly 2:15pm
18/6 Term 3 Reception Transition Visit 1
20/6 Year 3 Liturgy 2:15pm
22/6 Principal Tour and Working Bee
23/6 Confirmation and Holy Communion - Modbury / Para Hills 10:00am
25/6 Term 3 Reception Transition Visit 2 / Young Performers Concert 5:00pm
28/6 Pyjackie / Vinnies Winter Appeal- SAPSASA Girls Football/ SFX Quiz Night
1/7 Mid-year reports sent home/ SACPSSA Catholic Netball Carnival
2/7 Year 6 School Production
3/7 Year 6 School Production
4/7 Whole School Mass 2:00pm
5/7 Last Day of Term 2
Term 3 commences Tuesday 23 July.
Have a wonderful holiday break.
Jason Mittiga
Principal SFX
Harmony Day
It was wonderful to see students wearing a splash of orange on Thursday, March 21st to commemorate Harmony Day and to celebrate what it means to get along with everyone. All year levels participated in Harmony Day activities throughout the week and celebrated the diverse cultures that make up our St Francis Xavier’s community. The Year 1's gathered in prayer to think about living in harmony with other people. The Liturgy was a wonderful way to gather to reflect on what living in harmony at SFX looks like, sounds like, and feels like.

Project Compassion
A big ‘Thank you’ to everyone who donated to our Tapitas water this Lent and who have given generously to Project Compassion. The Project Compassion raffle organised by the RE leaders was drawn at the Easter Mass. The following students won half a day with Molly for their class; Tom O - Room 3, Elsie D - Room 7 and Chloe F - Room 22.
Holy Week
During Holy Week, we have reflected as a Catholic community, on Jesus' life and death as we prepared ourselves for the joy of the Resurrection at Easter. Students engaged in a variety of activities and prayer rituals to learn about the significance of the week leading up to Easter, known as Holy Week.
What is Holy Week?
Holy Week is a time of special meaning. Holy Week has been held in great reverence since the very early years of the Church and no other Christian observance has interested the world so much. Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday and comprises the seven days before Easter. The last three days of Holy Week, link together Lent and Easter, they are called the Triduum (meaning three days). They are Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday. The Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday begins the new season of Easter. On the first Palm Sunday Jesus entered Jerusalem with a triumphal welcome in the week before the traditional Jewish feast of the Passover. Jewish crowds who were there for the feast days waved palm branches (a custom of the time used to welcome visiting kings) and cheered Jesus’ arrival on a donkey. The Easter Triduum begins with Mass on Holy Thursday evening, when Jesus sacramentally anticipated the gift, he would make of himself on the cross. His command to serve others is dramatically recalled this night in the ceremony of the washing of the feet, which he performed for his disciples. The Good Friday rites centre on the reading of the Passion of Jesus. According to ancient tradition, an image or relic of the cross is venerated this day, and the sacrament of Christ’s love for his church is received. It is a day of fasting and quiet mourning. The Easter Vigil is the high point of the Easter Triduum celebrating the passion and resurrection of Jesus.
The Year 3 students lead a Whole School Palm Sunday Liturgy to celebrate Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem. As part of the heartwarming opening procession, we had the pleasure of welcoming two donkeys as our distinguished guests. The Year 3 students led the procession with Jesus and his donkeys at the front, and Jesus` disciples behind. Together, they walked down a winding path with the entire school waving handmade palms singing, “Hosanna! Bless our King.”
After the Liturgy, each class had the opportunity to visit and pat the donkeys, Mary-Lou and Daisy. Students and staff discovered that the donkey is the only animal in the world with a cross on it's back. It is often said that Jesus the Messiah came into Jerusalem on the cross and he left Jerusalem with a cross.
Thank you to the Year 3 classes for organising and leading a wonderful celebration.

The retelling of the journey Jesus took to the cross. The Year 6 children re-enacted the 13 stations with reverence and reflection. The powerful and deeply moving re-enactment of each station helped us understand some of the suffering that Jesus experienced leading up to his crucifixion. Thank you to Elisa Chillingworth (Performing Arts Teacher) and the Year 6 teachers for working with the students to make this such a reflective and meaningful experience.

Thank you to Father Kym for leading our Easter Mass. The theme for the Mass was, Jesus is alive. We were reminded that during this time we must let Jesus reignite our hope as we exercise humility and selflessness.
The students were engaged and thoroughly enjoyed Father Kym’s homily. We look forward to celebrating Mass with Father Kym again next term.

Date: Friday, 21st June, 2024, Time: 7:00pm
Venue: Our Lady Of Hope Parish Centre
Please save the date and join us for an evening of fun, music and friendly competition. Bring your family and friends and win fabulous prizes.
During Week 7, our incredible Playgroup staff presented at the Supported Playgroups in Catholic Education (SPICE) Hub Meeting. We had such positive feedback which we are so proud to share.
“Thank you so much for courageously presenting at our meeting yesterday! You all spoke so beautifully, and I watched how engaged facilitators were when listening to your playgroup’s story and seeing your play-provocation examples. It was such a fabulous showcase and celebration of the wonderful work you all do there each week at St Francis Xavier's. Thank you for being leaders in this space, your efforts have brought forth new inspiration to many. Please pass on our thanks to your Leadership Team for allowing you the time to prepare and for supporting you in all coming along.”
Thank you for the kind feedback Catholic Education South Australia.
We are truly blessed with our Playgroup’s staff dedication, creativity and patience which makes every day joyous for the little ones here at SFX.
April Vacation Care
If you would like to secure your child a place at OSHC for the April School Holidays or the Term 2, Week 1 Pupil Free Day (Monday 29 July) please follow the link to enrol and view the school holiday program. St. Francis Xavier's Wynn Vale | OSHC & Vacation Care (sfx.catholic.edu.au)
Bookings can be made via the Spike App. Alternatively, you can contact the Director, Tasharni via oshc@sfx.catholic.edu.au if you have any further questions.
We look forward to providing an enriching and engaging program for your child/ren.
The Learning Assistance Program (LAP)
The Learning Assistance Program focuses on the well-being, social and emotional needs of students through the powerful and positive contribution of volunteers (mentors).
LAP mentors work with students on a one-to-one basis for one session per week, devising with the teacher, coordinator and student, a plan of activities tailored to that student's particular needs. Sessions are between 30 - 45 minutes duration, depending on the time a volunteer can spare, or the time the teacher has recommended for that session.
Mentors are carefully matched with students to build upon the student's strengths, interests and abilities.
Being part of LAP is very rewarding and a great way to be invloved in the school community.
If you or a family member / family friend are a registered volunteer and would like to assist with this program, please contact the Front Office of email Marian Mullen at mmullen@sfx.catholic.edu.au
Swimming Carnival
On Friday, 1st March, the St Francis Xavier’s Swimming Squad took part in the SAPSASA Swimming Carnival at Waterworld.
There were a few nerves in the early events but in true SFX spirit, the children dug deep and showed courage, persistence, and resilience throughout the day. It was fantastic to see the children cheering each other on. Well done to the other participating schools who conquered the lanes!
A big thank you to Mrs Szilassy, Tania Krawczyk (Sports Coordinator), James Norton (Educator) and of course all the parents who came along to encourage your children. SFX placed 7th overall.

Softball Clinics
Thank you to the Sporting Schools Grant for funding softball coaching clinics to our Year 5 and 6 classes.
We were supported by 2 very experienced coaches, Jess Goldyn and Briana Marcelino, who play softball in the SA Premier League for Port Adelaide Softball Club and are college athletes from the USA.
The softball clinics consisted of glove skills, throwing, fielding, batting and strategies for playing softball, tee ball and baseball.
Jess and Bri were impressed with the skill development shown over the 4-week period and our students had a blast learning a new sport and fostering teamwork.
None of this would have been possible without the incredible opportunity provided by the Sporting School's grant. Thank you for enabling our students to experience something different and providing us with the correct equipment for successful sessions.
TTG Athletics Carnival
The SFX Athletics Team has been crowned School Sport SA – Tea Tree Gully District Athletics Carnival Champions! With 16 schools represented by 406 students, competition in all events was fierce. There were extremely close finishes in some of the 100m and 200m finals, and the crowd was wowed by some very impressive jumps and throws across the age groups. Distance runners were also impressive in the 400m and 800m events.
Many 1st to 4th ribbons were awarded to SFX athletes. With a number of our athletes winning their events, SFX will have a strong contingent representing the Tea Tree Gully District at the upcoming SA State Championships later in the year. More information on this event to come.
Thank you to Mr Hughes (PE teacher), Tania Krawczyk (Sports Coordinator), and Mel Ainslie (Educator) for their support in preparing and supporting the team on the day and also with trials in the lead-up to the carnival.

Mr O'Leary's debut for the Adelaide Crows
We’re the pride of SFX!
The mighty Mr O’Leary, our very own Year 6 teacher, made his SANFL League debut on Good Friday for the Adelaide Crows!
Jay played on the picturesque oval at Noarlunga, and he pulled on the red, blue and yellow for the first time against the Panthers. He played a great game and even scored a goal!
Regardless of who we support, we were behind him all the way!
What a glorious Sports Day for 2024!
The sun was shining and the spirit of SFX was ALIVE! as all students got invloved and represented their teams with passion. We were proud of your participation and good-sport practices throughout the day.
We share our gratitude to the families and friends who joined us to cheer and celebrate your children. Your excitement and support makes all the difference on days like these and fills our beautiful school with an incredible vibe!
A big thank you to Mr Hughes and the Sports Day Committee for putting on a great day for the children, full of great sporting events. We also thank The SFX Parents and Friends Committee plus the army of volunteers for cooking the BBQ and Sarah from Bailey Property for generously selling coffees and donating all proceeds to the school.
ππDe Mazenod took out a victorious win on the day and in doing so madie it four wins in a row. Congratulations!
For those who were keen on the scores, please see below.
Winner of the House Chants: MacKillop (by 2 points)
Lake Run Winners 2024
1st Place
Year 6 Boys - Jordan Gloria
Year 6 Girls - Sienna Bos
Year 5 Boys - Mitchell Busbridge
Year 5 Girls - Annabelle Ainslie
Year 4 Boys - Nate Kabos
Year 4 Girls - Eva Doecke
Year 3 Boys - George Camarinha
Year 3 Girls - Georgia Boog
Final Lake Run Scores (lowest score wins)
De Mazenod- 1st with 918 points
MacKillop- 2nd with 928 points
Xavier- 3rd with 964 points
Chisholm - 4th with 1052 points
Final Overall Scores for Sports Day
1st place- De Mazenod 1249 points
2nd place - Xavier 1197 points
3rd place- Chisholm 1156 points
4th place- MacKillop 1020 points

Year 6 Aquatics Camp!
What a memorable adventure we had at Adare Victor Harbour! Our students were split into four tribes and showcased their skills in a series of thrilling activities. From kayaking to mountain biking and raft building to bodyboarding, every moment was filled with excitement and camaraderie.
A huge shoutout to all the students for their incredible teamwork and determination throughout the camp. The respect you showed was a standout “Beyond Limits.” Your resilience and positivity have truly made this camp unforgettable! We also share our gratitude to all of the teachers and educators who attended for all your support and care of the students on camp.
Another “last at SFX moment” for our Year 6 Students.

As we gear up for Intercultural Week in Term 2, we're thrilled to announce our deliciously exciting initiative is back! We want to celebrate the vibrant cultures that make up our SFX community by showcasing your cherished family recipes.
Do you have a special dish passed down through generations, carrying with it stories of tradition and love? We want to hear all about it! Share with us your family recipe that holds significant meaning and represents your cultural heritage and adds flavour to our diverse community!
Let’s celebrate through the universal language of FOOD! Whether it be a fragrant curry from India or a comforting stew from Ireland, please email yours to Roma our Language Specialist Teacher: rchierag@sfx.catholic.edu.au, your class teacher or bring a hard copy to school.
Please include your child’s name, family name, class and the cultural origin of the recipe with your submission.

We hope the students and their families enjoy the Term 1 holidays ready to return to SFX recharged for an exciting Term 2!
