Term 2 Issue 1
Dear Families
It is hard to believe we are already half way thorugh this term. We have had a very busy 5 weeks with much happening in and around the school including:
- Mother’s Day stall, Breakfast and Liturgy
- Walk Safely to School Day
- Principal Tour
- Year 5 camp
- Sacraments of Holy Communion and Confirmation
- Soccer and Cross Country Carnivals
Paws for Cancer
This May, dog owners across Australia are aiming to walk 63km with their pooch while raising funds to support young Australians impacted by cancer. That's a little over 2km each day and 1km for each of the 63 young people (aged 12-25) impacted by cancer each day in Australia! As a staff we have been doing this 3 days a week with Molly and we are well on track to achieve our goal and raise $500.
If you would like to support the cause and help research for cancer, please donate using the link below. Together, we can make a difference.
Canteen - St Francis Xaviers Catholic School SFX (raiseit.org.au)
National Reconciliation Week 2024 (Monday, 27th May – Friday, 3th June)
In the Week preceding National Reconciliation Week (Week 4), we welcomed Mr Tony Zappia MP, Member for Makin, to SFX during the Year 5 Assembly. Mr Zappia proudly presented our school with the Australian Flag, the Australian Aboriginal Flag, and the Torres Strait Islander Flag, explained the significance of each flag, and expressed his support of our commitment to reconciliation. We are now able to fly our national flags together in an area of high community visibility to show our commitment to reconciliation at SFX. Our new flag poles are on the way!
Quiz Night
Our Quiz Night is coming up soon and tickets are now on sale. The date is Friday, 28th June at 6:30opm, ready for a 7:00pm start in Xavier Hall. Book your tables of 10 and come and support the school and have a fun night with our community.
Staffing news - Paula Simionato and Cathy Turner
We have two wonderful Educators retiring this term. Paula retired 2 weeks ago after 15 years of service and Cathy will retire at the end of the term after 21 years of service. Please join me in thanking these wonderful ladies. We wish them all the best in their retirement and the opportunity to spend more quality time with family.
Just a reminder to enrol your siblings for 2027 and beyond by Friday 5 July 2024. We have reached capacity for 2025 and 2026 and we are filling up fast for 2027/2028. Please see the Front Office for enrolment forms. If you have any friends who are looking at 2027, please let them know to book a tour as we will probably be full by the end of Term 3 for 2027. Siblings need to be enrolled by the time they turn 2 years of age.
Term 3 Reception Classes
We have two Reception classes commencing in Term 3. I am pleased to announce that our teachers are Rani Oatey and Olivia Sloan and Nicole Blackett.
Kiss & Drop Reminder
A reminder to all families that the parallel parking spaces in the Park Lake Drive carpark are designated as a Kiss & Drop Zone. This means that drivers should not be leaving vehicles unattended for any period of time.
The Kiss & Drop Zone works most effectively when parents stay in cars and move down the queue as far as possible. This allows more cars into the car park space and traffic to keep flowing.
Child safety is our major concern, so we ask that if you need to assist your child in leaving a vehicle that you, please park your car and use the crossings and footpaths to walk them to the school.
On occasions staff on duty at the Kiss & Drop area might ask you to move your vehicle so that we can keep traffic flowing. Please follow their instructions to ensure that the area remains free of congestion and a safe space for parents and children walking through this area.
Please also note that in the past week both SA Police and Tea Tree Gully Council traffic officers have been in our school zones. They are checking to ensure that school speed zones, no standing zones are being adhered to that and the blocking of roads/driveways is not occurring. Fines are often sent in the post a number of weeks after these infringements, so please be vigilant.
School zones and car parks are very busy places during drop-off and pick up times. We ask that all users including drivers, bikes and pedestrians please use these spaces appropriately and safely. Tolerance, courtesy and understanding will ensure that our carpark areas are safe for all in our community.
Thank you, as always, for your continuous support of our school community.
Jason Mittiga
Mother’s Day Liturgy
A warm thank you to everyone who attended our whole school Mother’s Day Liturgy on Friday, 10th May. The Reception Unit did a wonderful job of hosting. We hope you all had a lovely Mother’s Day.

Year 1 Liturgy
On Thursday of Week 3, the Year 1 classes came together to celebrate Mary, the Mother of Jesus. Mary was very special, she said ‘yes’ to God, even when it was difficult. As Jesus’ mother, Mary had many challenges, as most mothers do. She was always there for Jesus when he needed her. She was kind and caring to everyone she met. We remembered Mary as our mother in Heaven and we gave thanks to all our amazing Mums.

Sacramental Celebration – Confirmation and First Communion on Saturday, 18th May
Congratulations to the large group of students for undertaking their Confirmation and First Communion on the 18th May Thank you to the parents, sponsors, and families for supporting their children in the sacramental program. We thank Bishop Gregory O’Kelly, Fr James Jeyachandran and Fr Didier Indibi for guiding our students during their Confirmation and First Communion. The students did a great job. We hope they all enjoyed their special occasion.
A reading from the Acts of the Apostles
When Pentecost day came around, the apostles had all met in one room, when suddenly they heard what sounded like a powerful wind from Heaven, the noise of which filled the entire house in which they were sitting; and something appeared to them that seemed like tongues of fire; these separated and came to rest on the head of each of them. They were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak foreign languages as the Spirit gave them the gift of speech.
Now there were devout men living in Jerusalem from every nation under Heaven, and at this sound they all assembled, each one bewildered to hear these speaking his own language.
Pentecost Year B marks a crucial event in the Christian calendar, it is when we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit to the apostles. The Holy Spirit descends on the disciples, enabling them to speak in diverse languages. This highlights the Spirit's role in empowering believers to communicate God's wonders universally. The event of Pentecost illustrates the coming together of diverse peoples through the power of the Holy Spirit. It celebrates both unity and diversity within the Church.
Ashlee McCarthy
Acting APRIM
National Reconciliation Week 2024 (Monday, 27th May – Friday, 3rd June)
National Reconciliation Week started as the Week of Prayer for Reconciliation in 1993 (the International Year of the World’s Indigenous Peoples) and was supported by Australia’s major faith communities. The dates of National Reconciliation Week commemorate two significant milestones in the reconciliation journey— the successful 1967 referendum, and the High Court Mabo decision respectively. This year’s theme is ‘Now More Than Ever’, which serves as a reminder to us all that the fight for justice and the rights of First Nations people must continue.
During National Reconciliation Week, SFX students participated in a wide range of learning experiences including an incursion to explore First Nations artefacts (‘Interrogating the Artefacts’); playing First Nations games for daily physical activity; exploring First Nations art; and creating the five-petal Native Hibiscus, the official national symbol of the Stolen Generations (this activity occurred in commemoration of National Sorry Day which is Sunday 26 May); in-class Liturgies hosted by each unit; and finally taking a symbolic ‘Long Walk’ in recognition of Michael Long’s 650km walking journey to meet then PM John Howard in parliament to advocate for the lives of First Nations Peoples.
Learning continued before and after school, as students attending Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) were read a book by an Aboriginal author each morning, with the book being paired with a craft activity and puzzle.
In the Week preceding National Reconciliation Week (Week 4), the school welcomed Mr Tony Zappia MP, Member for Makin, to SFX during the Year 5 Assembly. Mr Zappia proudly presented our school with the Australian Flag, the Australian Aboriginal Flag, and the Torres Strait Islander Flag, explained the significance of each flag, and expressed his support of our ongoing commitment towards Reconciliation. We are now able to fly our national flags together in an area of high community visibility to show our commitment towards Reconciliation at SFX. Our new flag poles are on the way!
Please take a moment to enjoy the photos of our students learning about our shared histories, cultures and achievements, and exploring how each of us can contribute to achieving Reconciliation.
For the work of generations past, and the benefit of generations future, all SFX staff and students commit to acting today for a more just, equitable and reconciled country for all.
Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) Support Group

School Sport SA – Tea Tree Gully Cross Country Carnival
Recently, the SFX Cross Country team participated in the School Sport SA – Tea Tree Gully Cross Country Carnival. Our athletes competed against nine schools over 2,000m or 3,000m depending on their age. SFX finished in 3rd position with an overall score of 16 points, which is a fantastic result and effort. We had some notable individual results: Mitch (1st), Nate (4th), Anna (4th), Carlo (5th), Tate (7th), Tristan (7th), Olivia (8th), Hollie (9th), Chloe (9th), Annabelle (11th), and Mason (13th). A big congratulations to all SFX students who competed and gave it their all. Your hustle and determination shone through!
A special mention to Mitch, Nate, Anna, Carlo, and Tate who have also been selected in the Tea Tree Gully District Cross Country Team. They will compete at the School Sport SA Cross Country Championships at the Oakbank Racecourse this June.
Well done, SFX Cross Country Team!
School Sport SA – Tea Tree Gully Soccer Carnival
Congratulations to the Years 5 and 6 Girls Soccer Team who competed at the School Sport SA – Tea Tree Gully Soccer Carnival. The girls, coached by Mr Hughes, played an exciting brand of soccer - clinical in attack, and rock solid in defence! The girls won the first 2 games, and drew games 3 and 4, finishing the carnival with 10 points, and sitting top of the ladder. The girls took home the trophy, which now sits proudly on the trophy shelf in Xavier Hall. We would like to acknowledge the following soccer players: Laura, Mikayla, Isabel, Chloe, Tully, Soraya, Francesca, Sienna, Alyssa, Hayley, Alexis and Zali. Well done, girls.
A special mention also goes to the Boys team, coached by Mr Argiro, who finished the carnival in equal second position, narrowly missing out on the trophy after a 0-0 draw in their final match with St. David’s Catholic School. We would like to acknowledge the following soccer players: Tarkis, Aiden, Jake, Beau, Jackson, Daniel, Gursehar, Dante, Tyson, Nicholas and Tristan. Well done, boys.
School Sport SA – Tea Tree Gully Team Representatives
Congratulations to the following students who have been selected to represent Tea Tree Gully in upcoming SA State Championships in Term 2:
Jayden and Boston (train-on squad) – Tea Tree Gully District Boys Netball Team - SA State Netball Carnival (Wednesday 19 to Friday 21 June, Netball SA Stadium).
Jordan, Noah, Jackon and Kayde – Tea Tree Gully District Boys Football Team - SA State Football Carnival (Monday 27 to Wednesday 29 May, Barratt Reserve).
Our amazing Senior students were presented with their Year 6 jumpers today. Don’t they look dapper?
Another memorable milestone ticked off in their final year here at SFX.

We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to the SFX community who have donated to Project Compassion this year.
Whether it be through the Easter raffle, Tapitas Wall, casual clothes day or by giving a donation, your compassion has helped change lives. In total, we raised $1,293.15. Another successful year thanks to your support.
Book Week 2024 is fast approaching so it might be time to get your thinking caps on, set up the craft circle, fire up the sewing machine and start getting your costumes ready! This year's theme is 'Reading Is Magic’. We can't wait to see all SFX students and staff in their magic themed costumes for our parade which is being held on Friday, 23rd August (Term 3, Week 5).
This year, our Reception – Year 2 students will be visited by the magicians from ‘Bring Me Magic’ who will perform a show based on the Book Week theme.
It is pleasing to see the number of completed Premier’s Reading Challenge forms being handed in to the library. Please continue to support your child/ren with completing the Challenge and filling out the student reading record as we aim for 100% completion across the school. If you need any further information regarding the Challenge or if your child/ren require a new reading record form you can visit the official website https://premiersreadingchallenge.sa.edu.au/ or contact SFX library staff. Students have until Friday, 6th September to complete their reading and return their completed form to the library.
Please note that for parents not on a payment plan, Term 2 fees are due by 31st May.
If you are paying your fees at the lower income rate, please ensure you have applied for School Card at SA.GOV.AU - School Card scheme (www.sa.gov.au)
Every 3 years all staff and volunteers must complete Responding to Risks of Harm, Abuse and Neglect - Education and Care (RRHANEC) online training. If you completed this training in the last few years (which is most of you), the expiry date on the bottom of your certificate will say 31/12/2024. It is time for you to update this training. Please refer to the attached instruction flyer with the link included to the plink website, and forward copies of your new certificates to ndnistri@sfx.catholic.edu.au
If you have completed this RRHANEC training this year (during 2024) and the expiry date on your certificate is 31/12/27, you do not need to do anything.
If you wish to continue volunteering beyond 2024 you will need to complete this online training.
SFX staff and students value and sincerely thank all volunteers for the time and commitment you provide to our school.
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any queries.
Kind regards
Nicky Dnistriansky
WHS, Risk and Compliance Officer