Term 3, Issue 2
Dear Families
We are three terms down into the school year and where has all the time gone?
Term 3 is notoriously busy and this term has been no exception;
Fathers Day stall and Breakfast
Book Week Parade and dress up
Stem Mad Showcase
Showdown Day
Grandparents Day
Music Cabaret
Catholic Schools Music festival
Andrew Chinn performance
At SFX we pride ourselves on providing opportunities for your children to have experiences they will cherish and remember for the rest of their lives. We will continue to make SFX the place to be and an environment where all are catered for and feel welcome.
A letter was emailed to all families Friday, 20th September requesting learning needs information for the 2025 class placements. Please check your email inbox (including junk, spam) for this important email. Last day for replies to be received is Friday, 18th October 2024.
This week we were fortunate to host Dr Lorraine Hammond at our school. CESA have been working with Dr Lorraine Hammond around a hands-on Professional Learning opportunity for a small number of Leaders of Learning.
Lorraine has worked and researched in the area of early literacy, high impact instructional strategies, including explicit teaching and learning difficulties since 1990. Lorraine completed her Masters and PhD in the prevention of reading and spelling difficulties and in 2002 was awarded a Churchill Fellowship.
In 2016, Lorraine was recognised by the Australian Government with a University Teaching Award for outstanding tertiary teaching and in 2017 the Australian Council for Educational Leadership recognised her work in schools promoting high impact instruction.
In 2019, Lorraine received an Order of Australia (AM) for her significant contribution to tertiary education and the community.
Dr Lorraine Hammond and her team worked at SFX from 23rd - 25th September with CESA and SFX staff to conduct a Teaching Intensive programme for a small group of Leaders of Learning who are currently engaged in an intensive model of support with a System Coach. These sessions have provided an opportunity for capacity building of the Leader of Learning following their initial days with Lorraine.
Over the three days, Lorraine worked on:
· Daily Review and Explicit Instruction
· Explicit Instruction in a lesson
· Professional Learning (in the afternoon)
Lorraine worked extensively with our Year 1 and Year 4 teachers and all our teachers were released to meet with her. We are the only school in South Australia that has had this privilege. I am honored and proud to have hosted these 3 days and once again being a leader in CESA with pedagogy and innovation.
Earlier this year, all families at St Francis Xavier's were sent an email inviting you to register for the CESA Community Portal. We had an excellent response, with over 85% of our families registering straight away. The Community Portal allows families to check contact details, pay fees, access Student Academic Reports and check school fee balances in real-time. In line with our school's ongoing sustainability focus School Fee Statements and Academic Reports will be delivered via the Portal going forward. Please save this link to your device for easy access https://cesa-portal-auth.civicaed.com.au/. If you need your invitation to the portal resent, or you have forgotten your login details, please contact the school at accounts@sfx.catholic.edu.au.
A reminder that End of Year student reports will be release to the Portal on Monday, 9th December.
14/10 First day of Term 4
22/10 9:30am Principal School Tour
23/10 School Photos
31/10 9:45am Children’s University Graduation
4/11 2:15pm Reception Assembly
11/11 10:30am Remembrance Day Liturgy
19/11 6:00pm Parent Information Evening- New Receptions 2025
24/11 Feast of Christ the King
26/11 SFX Christmas Concert 5:00pm for 6:00pm start
29/11 9:15am St Francis Day Whole School Liturgy
29/11 St Francis Feast Day- Colour Fun Run
2/12 2:15pm Year 6 Assembly
4/12 9:15am End of Year Whole School Mass
5/12 Year 1-6 Transition Day classes 2025 and new students
10/12 11:45am Year 6 Graduation Liturgy
10/12 6:00pm Year 6 Graduation Dinner
11/12 Last day of term for all students
Meet the Teacher - Tuesday 21st January
Term 1, 2025 commences - Wednesday 29th January
Jason Mittiga
Catholic Schools Open Week seemed to be the perfect fit to officially launch our revised Vision, Mission and core Christian value statements. You can find the new document on our webpage and on the link below-
Did you know that we have been diligently working on unpacking our school’s charism for two years? We agreed that we are a faith filled inclusive community with the core Christian core values of ‘service,’ ‘compassion’ and ‘respect.’ While I appreciate you would have a good grasp on the meaning of each of these values, I would like to take this opportunity to tell you the story behind these three values and how they all link together. As we work with these values, we have begun to realise that you can’t have one without the other.
As a staff we firstly had to understand what it means for us to work for Catholic Education and what that means when we come to work every day. What is our mission as staff of Catholic Education? At the heart of it all, we are committed to ensure that our students thrive in all aspects of life – in all its personal, religious, political, ecological and cultural richness. To achieve this, the staff at SFX have developed Staff SFX 5. Please take some time to read our staff commitment.
Our staff commit to working together through the SFX Staff 5. We believe that excellent pastoral care allows students to thrive and is the foundation in learning well.
We couldn’t decide on our core values without understanding our Charism. What does ‘charism’ mean? ‘charism’ is a word that can easily be explained as “gift”- a spiritual gift. A gift given for the good of all people and it is usually associated with a religious order i.e.: Mercy or Ignatian or Josephite. It is through the spirit working within these people that the gift or charism is given. Therefore, we looked to St Francis Xavier, The Oblates (TTG Parish is under the care of the Oblates), St John XXIII (Modbury/Para Hills Parish) and the Brigidine Sisters (helped establish our school). We began to explore and discuss the “gifts” of each of these orders and what we do today to live out each of these gifts. One thing that became clear very early on in our search for values was the importance of mission (outreach and service). St Francis Xavier’s Regional Catholic School was established 40 years ago because the region was readily growing and there was a need for mission. What better name for a school than the greatest missionary Saint, St Francis Xavier. As you can see right from the beginning our school was unique and the sense of community was established right from the roots (hence the school’s first logo, together we grow). Working in partnership with our community to serve others is something we value at SFX and is what makes us unique.
On our quest for meaning, we looked to Pope Francis` heart, head and hands pedagogy. Pope Francis (2014) explains, The Catholic school is a path that leads to the three languages that a mature person needs to know: the language of the mind, the language of the heart, and the language of the hands. This reflects a holistic approach to formation – a head, heart and hands approach.
The head is the knowledge. It knows what the right thing to do is. The heart allows for deep empathy and compassion. The hands are the application of the head (the knowledge) and the heart (compassion) working together to make a difference in the world.
Compassion is the centre value out of our three core Christian values. We need compassion to genuinely serve others. If we serve others with compassion, we are ultimately respecting the dignity and infinite worth of everyone we meet. These three values were selected by all stakeholders, staff, students and parent representatives. Little did we realise that even the placement of each value would tell a story. A beautiful story that we as a community should be very proud of. Next time you walk past those pillars and enter the gates of our school, know that all staff will strive to serve you and your child with compassion and respect because everyone is worthy.
Year 5 Excursion to Adelaide Zoo – Animal Adaptations
Our Year 5 students recently visited Adelaide Zoo as part of their Science curriculum, focusing on animal adaptations. The excursion allowed students to explore how different animals have evolved to survive in their environments.
During the visit, they observed a variety of species, such as meerkats, giraffes, and reptiles, and learned about the physical and behavioural adaptations these animals use for survival.
This real-world learning experience supported students to deepen their understanding of how adaptations are crucial for survival and reinforced key science concepts taught in class.
Thank you to all the parent volunteers for your time and support during the school excursion. Your help made the day both fun and successful for everyone!

Congratulations to all students who participated in the Premier’s Reading Challenge. This year, 95% of SFX students completed the challenge! While we unfortunately didn’t make it to our goal of 100% completion, it was an outstanding achievement. Thank you to all teachers and parents who supported the students to achieve this incredible result, and of course to the students for a great job in reading so many wonderful books. All certificates and medals achieved will arrive in November.
Big CONGRATULATIONS to the Year 5 students who were the first entire year level to complete the Challenge. Your prize will be awarded early in Term 4.
Unfortunately, overdue and lost books remain a huge problem across the school. We encourage students to borrow from the library regularly, however there is an expectation that students take care of school property and ensure their safe return to the library on or prior to the due date.
Reminder notices are emailed to families every Monday afternoon which provide details of any books that your child has borrowed from the library which are due that week. Overdue notices are also emailed on Monday afternoons which provide details of your child’s loans and the date that they were due to be returned. Should you receive one of these emails could you please have a chat to your child and support them to ensure all books are returned to the library as soon as possible so they can be enjoyed by other students.
Please note, the library is open every day, during lunch times (Monday to Thursday) and after school. Students are asked to return overdue books to the library at the earliest opportunity rather than waiting for their regular class library time.
As we approach the end of the year it is imperative that students keep track of all library books so we can ensure that everything has been returned in time for the annual stock take. An invoice may be issued for any books that are lost or have been returned to the library damaged beyond repair
Term 3 has certainly been a very busy and exciting term for sporting events with some great successes.
We started the term with the SAPSASA Basketball State Championships at Lightsview (5th August). Our skills and talent did not disappoint with our Year 5/6 Boys winning the day and progressing through to the State Finals to be held in Term 4. Our girls also worked hard but just missed out on making finals and took out 3rd overall. We look forward to cheering our boys on in the State Finals.
After being postponed in Term 2, the Girls SAPSASA District Football Carnival (16th August) was back on and although a little cold the girls brought their A game and were the winners of the day going through undefeated.

This year saw us return to the SACPSSA Touch Championship (4th September) held at Park 19, Greenhill Rd. It has been a number of years since we participated in this event and it was great to see another sporting opportunity return to SFX. Our girls finished 2nd overall and our boys came home with 3rd place. A fantastic result for the first year back at Touch Football.
With the sun shining we made the short trip up the hill to the SADNA Netball Courts for the SAPSASA District Netball Carnival (29th September), it is always a great day with plenty of talent on display. SFX were exceptional with both our Boys and Girls taking out 1st place and bringing the trophies back to SFX.
Several students represented SFX at the SAPSASA District Tennis Carnival (13th September), held at the TTG Tennis Club. It was a great day with both singles and doubles being played and players of all abilities enjoying a great day.

SFX had a strong representation for the TTG District team at the SAPSASA State Track and Field Championships with 19 students being selected. Congratulations to all the students who competed. With a couple of great results, invitations were given to some students to represent South Australia in the State team.
Two teams from SFX participated in a softball carnival at the Golden Grove Dodgers grounds on Thursday, 26th September!
It was a beautiful day for softball, and both teams performed exceptionally well.
The boys' team won all their games, finishing as outright champions. They worked cohesively, taking impressive catches and batting with precision. Tyler was our very own Babe Ruth, smashing seven home runs out of eight at-bats!
The girls' team had a fantastic day of learning and fun, mastering new skills. Mikayla, Aysha, Isabella, and Tahlia all tried their hand at pitching, with Mikayla also hitting a home run.
A huge thank you to Chilli for sharing her love and expertise in softball, to Mr. O’Leary for coaching and helping with trials, and to Tania for organising the students’ participation in the carnival.
Our After School Winter Sports program comes to an end this term after playing for the last two terms. A big thank you to the parents who volunteered to Coach our team and we look forward to the Summer season beginning in Term 4. The After School Sports program is a great way of students being able to try, participate in a sport that they love and make new friends with other students from SFX.
Congratulations for Jordan Gloria who represented South Australia at the School Sports National Basketball Championships.
Congratulations Sophie, Powerhouse in the Making!
We are bursting with pride for one of our incredible SFX students, Sophie, who recently took the gymnastics world by storm at an interstate competition! Competing at this level for the very first time, she absolutely crushed it:
Level 6 Tumbling – 4th Place
Youth International U13 DMT – 2nd Place
Youth International U13 Trampoline – 1st Place
But that's not all! Sophie was awarded the Highest Scoring Female Athlete for Youth International U13 and walked away with a well-deserved Gold Medal! WOW!!!
This future Olympian inspires us with her dedication, strength, and talent. Well done, Sophie!
What’s been happening in Physical Education?
As we conclude Term 3, I am excited to share the progress SFX students have made in Physical Education.
This term we welcomed the Mid-Year Reception classes. Room 32 and Room 33 have focused on the interpersonal skills necessary to participate safely in PE games and activities, such as respecting physical and personal boundaries, turn-taking, and applying basic rules and scoring systems. They have learned the fundamental movement skills of the sprint run, the underarm throw, and the overarm throw. These fundamental movement skills are the building blocks to the more sport-specific skills necessary to be physically active throughout their lives. It has been wonderful supporting our newest students transition into the routines and structure of PE. Thank you to our amazing Year 5 Physical Activity Leaders for their weekly support of Reception PE.
From Reception to Year 2, Junior Primary students have expanded their fundamental movement skill set to include the two-handed strike (from a low tee [cricket]) and from a high tee [baseball]), the two-handed catch, and the drop punt (to build interest for the AFL finals!). Activities for these students were selected to encourage cooperative learning, and to help students develop the ability and persistence to work both individually and collaboratively.
In Years 3 and 4, students dived into the world of cricket and tennis. They’ve learned how to bowl in cricket, sharpening the skill within the context of small-sided games, which they enthusiastically taught to the visiting Chinese students from Shengfei. They also participated in a 5-week Hot Shots Tennis unit, where they developed their racquet skills (learning the one-handed forehand, the two-handed backhand, and they volley) and learned the importance of strategy in doubles play. This unit has set up the Years 3 and 4 students for the Hot Shots Tennis carnival in Term 4.
For our Year 5 and 6 students, the focus was on sports within the net-court game category, such as volleyball and badminton. They’ve explored the rules of each sport and developed their abilities to serve, dig, set, and spike in volleyball, while also exploring the techniques of badminton. These sports are chosen to promote agility and strategic thinking, allowing students to apply their skills in a fun and engaging environment, in sports that most students are exploring for the first time. Students have also been able to identify how tactical concepts are applicable to sports that fall within the same game category.
I am very proud of the students’ enthusiasm and commitment to learning these essential technical, tactical, and interpersonal skills, and look forward to continuing the learning in Term 4.
Mr Hughes
Hats are back in Term 4!
Don't forget to pack those named hats next term.
We look forward to enjoying the warmer weather and soaking in our beautiful outdoor grounds at SFX, so let's keep everyone sun-safe.
Calling all green thumbs!
Are you a gardener? We need you! Parents, grandparents, aunties, uncles, any green thumb who would like to give back to SFX. We are looking for volunteers to help in our vegetable garden. Any assistance with pruning, planting, weeding etc would be greatly appreciated. It could be once a week, once a fortnight or even once a month. You will even have the opportunity to work with our chickens who have recently been re-located to the garden!
Important note for all Volunteers
Every 3 years all staff and volunteers must complete the Responding to Risks of Harm, Abuse and Neglect - Education and Care (RRHANEC) online training.
If you completed this training in the last few years (which is most of you), the expiry date on the bottom of your certificate will say 31/12/24. It is now time for you to update this training. Please refer to the attached instruction flyer with the link included to the plink website, and forward copies of your new certificates to ndnistri@sfx.catholic.edu.au
If you have completed the RRHANEC training during 2024 and the expiry date on your certificate is 31/12/27, you do not need to do anything.
If you wish to continue volunteering beyond 2024 you will need to complete this online training.
SFX staff and students value and sincerely thank all volunteers for the time and commitment you provide to our school.
Please don't hesitate to contact our Work Health Safety personnel if you have any queries.
Mark your calendars, families! Term 4, Wednesday, 23rd October is School Photo Day at SFX!
Now's the perfect time to book those haircuts and get ready for the photographer to capture your child's 2024 school memories!
Grandparents & Special Friends Day at SFX.
Our school was filled with love and laughter as we celebrated with the grandest in our lives! We are so grateful for the many grandparents and grand friends who joined us. Your wisdom and values provide a sense of belonging in the students and your teachings and love makes their lives that little bit richer.
Our hearts were warmed by the special moments between grandchildren and their loved ones. Our Year 6 Leaders led a prayer where we were able to take a moment for those who are no longer with us and offer thanks to God for grandparents of all kinds.
We hope you enjoyed the special moments, treats, social time, and the sense of community that makes SFX such a special place. Bless you all, with gratitude!

STEM MAD Expo Day at Mawson Lakes University!
Our brilliant Year 5 students, alongside Mr. Bruce-Gordon, showcased their STEM superpowers at the Catholic Schools STEM MAD Expo earlier this term! Selected for their innovative creations designed to help people involved in floods, these young inventors sent in a video of their work that wowed the judges and earned them a spot at this prestigious event.
From start to finish, our incredible Year 5 teams demonstrated teamwork, creativity, and critical thinking. They confidently explained their inventions to judges and peers from other schools, showing just how much their hard work has paid off. We couldn’t be prouder of how they represented SFX!
It was lovely to have so many dads, grandfathers, uncles, and other special men in our students' lives join us for our Father's Day celebration this Term!
A big thank you to everyone who took the time to celebrate with us and to our amazing P&F volunteers for organising the Father's Day stall

Enjoy the well-deserved break, families! We can't wait to see everyone refreshed and ready to finish Term 4 and 2024 on a high note!
